Resource Library

Our resource library is full of helpful information about sorority risk management. From emergency planning to insurance programs to tax issues, we have you covered.




Winter Weather Checklist

A winter weather preparedness checklist for Sorority chapter houses.

Cold Weather Safety Reminders

Risk management tips for wintry weather.

ChubbWorks Registration

Directions for setting up access to ChubbWorks.

Certificates of Insurance: What and Why?

What is a Certificate of Insurance and why someone would need one from you.

Why Colleges Haven’t Stopped Binge Drinking

A series from The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Building/Renovation Projects: What To Look For

Engaging in a building or renovation project is an exciting, albeit stressful, endeavor. In addition to the hundreds of decisions regarding design, budget, decorating, and other items, there are insurance and risk management concerns to consider in order to protect the House Corporation and the organization from loss.

Back To School Checklist

Review our Back To School Checklist created to be used during the summer months to make sure that you’re prepared for the school year ahead.