Our Associates

Sara graduated in 2003 with a B.A. in political science and Spanish from Converse College in Spartanburg, S.C. She joined the Sorority Division formally in August 2003 after interning with the department for two summers. Sara is responsible for our external communications, our educational initiatives, and the upkeep of the website. Sara and her husband, Grant, live on a small permaculture farm in Noblesville where they enjoy keeping up with their son, daughter, a gaggle of chickens, and their Bernedoodle, Wendell. Sara is honored to be an alumnae initiate of Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity.
Contact Her About:
- Website questions and suggestions
- Newsletter articles
- Developing articles for clients
Also Ask Her About:
- Her family and little farm
- Yin yoga and meditation
- Living seasonally
Favorite Quote: “Practice resurrection.”