We have seen a dramatic increase in claims arising out of frozen pipes over the last two years. Frozen pipes can present an invisible threat – one that you might not recognize until the weather starts to warm. By then, the water damage can be significant and costly. Fortunately, keeping your home warmer, at a consistent temperature, and better insulated can help protect your pipes from freezing this winter.
Which Pipes Are Most at Risk?
Pipes that are most exposed to the elements, including those outdoors and along the exterior walls of your home, likely need extra protection during winter months. These include the following:
- Outdoor hose hookups and faucets.
- Swimming pool supply lines.
- Lawn sprinkler lines.
- Water pipes in unheated, interior locations such as basements, crawl spaces, attics, garages and kitchen and bathroom cabinets.
- Pipes running against exterior walls with little or no insulation.
Before winter:
- Check your home for areas where water pipes are located in unheated or poorly insulated areas. Be sure to check your basement, attic, crawl space, garage and within cabinets containing plumbing. Hot and cold water pipes should both be insulated.
- Products such as pipe sleeves or UL-listed heat tape or heat cable can help insulate or heat exposed water pipes.
During winter:
- Close inside valves supplying water to outdoor faucets and hookups.
- Open outdoor faucets to allow residual water to drain; be sure to keep them open during the cold weather months, while the water supply is turned off.
- Keep garage doors closed to help protect water pipes located in the garage.
- Open the doors on cabinets where plumbing is located. This can help allow warmer air to circulate around the pipes.
- For pipes that are at risk of freezing (both hot and cold water pipes), let water drip from faucets.
- Keep the heat in your home set at a minimum of 55 degrees.
Why is a Frozen Pipe a Concern?
When water begins to freeze, it expands. This can cause both plastic and metal pipes to burst, possibly leading to significant water damage to your home.
- Since water expands when it freezes, it puts unwanted pressure on pipes.
- As water freezes, the force exerted from the expansion can cause a pipe to burst, regardless of the strength of the material.
- You may not know you have a burst pipe as the water has turned to ice. Once the temperature starts to warm and thawing begins, leaking and flooding can occur.
What Do You Do if You Have a Frozen Pipe?
- If you have a leak, turn the water off immediately to prevent water damage and call a licensed plumber to make repairs. If your home is heated by an older steam heating system, consult with your heating professional to determine if it is safe to continue to run the heating system with the water supply turned off for your particular heating system.
How to Help Prevent Frozen Pipes
We have created a printable infographic with these reminders for your use.
In addition, make sure you complete MJ’s Winter Weather Checklist prior to the onset of winter weather. More detailed tips to manage the risk of frozen pipes is available here.
September 2021: Topics include COVID-19 (claims), fall semester, operating in the new normal, severe weather & crisis management.
At the beginning of each academic year, we email out a resource for chapter officers and advisors. Click here for the 2021 version.
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Event Planning: All About Contracts – Ruth and Allison are back to discuss the ins and outs about insurance contracts: what are contracts, why are they important, what to look for when dealing with contracts, and why all of this matters to our clients.
Property Basics – In this episode, Allison and Sara discuss the basics of the property coverage. Even if your chapter doesn’t have chapter house, there is still plenty of useful information for all chapter members in this episode.
Event Planning: All About Certificates – Adding to our ongoing series on event planning, Ruth and Allison discuss everything you’ve ever wanted to know about Certificates of Insurance. This is a must-listen for anyone that plans or oversees events for your chapter.
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When we think of making campus facilities more secure, we often chink of high-tech or expensive solutions such as using the latest in communication systems or installing an extensive network of surveillance cameras. Although these efforts do deter crime and arc worth the expense, says Denise Swen, dean of Middlefield Campus at Foothill College in California, many of the efforts to make campus facilities more secure are relatively low cost and low tech.
During her recent online seminar “Including Safety and Security in Campus Facilities Planning,” Swett outlined how to make new and existing facilities more resistant to crime, including the following low-tech options:
Faculty and student training
Students have long been experts at circumventing the safety and security hardware that campuses install in residence halls, Swett noted. They prop doors open, ignore alarms, and lend one another their IDs and/or security swipe cards. As a result, training is key in making the most of equipment.
On Swen’s campus, trainers conduct five-minute meetings in classrooms. The training focuses on the positives of staying safe, rather than on scaring students with potential dangers. (Swen said she is happy to share the script her campus uses in these five-minute classroom appearances. Please email her at swettdenise@jhda.edu to request a copy.)
Something as seemingly simple as landscaping can impact facilities security, Swett noted. A bougainvillea border underneath a bank of windows, for example, serves a security function. The flowering shrub’s tangle of thorns deters potential criminals from accessing the building through the windows. Low-to-the-ground hedges and trees with their lower branches pruned away also enhance security: they keep windows from being obscured and don’t afford potential criminals places to hide.
Landscaping that offers full outdoor view~ also deters potential criminals. On Swett ‘s campus, for example, a grouping of tables in an outdoor spot affords a view in all directions, making it harder for a potential criminal to surprise anyone sitting there or commit a crime without being observed by someone else in the area. In contrast, another campus has a path winding through a garden of tall bamboo plants: although the garden is lovely, people on the path cannot see other people there until they’re in very close range.
Well-maintained campuses send the message “We don’t want you here” to potential criminals, Swett said. In contrast, poor maintenance sends the message, accurately or not, that the campus is “unsecured, ignored, and overlooked”- in other words, a good place to get away with crime.
Clear, well-designed signage can also deter crime. Signs should be easy to read at night and should not use confusing jargon or acronyms. Campus maps that are current and note the locations of emergency call boxes are helpful to both potential crime victims and first responders.
Addressing windows and doors
Among the top safety modifications included in the report released after the Virginia Tech shootings in 2006 were recommendations to install the following:
• solid doors
• window coverings
• doors without handle~ or bars that can be chained together
Swett noted that among the students locked into classrooms for safety reasons during the Virginia Tech shooting, all survived. Having a solid door, or at least a door with windows that can be covered by curtains or a shade, increases the safety of being locked into a room because an assailant can’t see if anyone’s inside.
Many double door sets can be chained together by an attacker because each door has a handle. If such doors can’t be replaced, at least one of the handles can be removed as an alternate solution, Swett said.
Which approaches should your campus take?
To determine the deterrents that will work for your campus, Swett recommended the following steps:
- Assemble a work team.
- Conduct an audit of your facilities for
its security weak spots. - Determine priorities for safety
upgrades. - Find resources and enhancements.
- Install equipment and implement
changes. - Develop training materials.
- Conduct ongoing training and drills.
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Risky Activities – In this episode we discuss what risky activities are, why chapters should be concerned about risky activities, and some easy alternative activities.