In this issue of our monthly newsletter, we cover background checks, mitigating the risk of wind and hail storms, share a webinar on security technology, review claims examples, our upcoming health promotions course, and more.

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So, we’re betting at least some of your apps and online accounts have asked, “Do you want to opt into two-factor identification?” And, if you’re like many people, all that texting and code retrieval might seem just a little too much trouble.

Is all that security really necessary? Short answer: YES. And it doesn’t have to be hard.

Why should you use two factor identification?
Cyber attacks, personal data leaks, and phishing scams are becoming more common as hackers get more sophisticated and as we conduct more of our personal and financial transactions on apps and online. Scary factoid: the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center reported that people lose $57 million in phishing and smishing schemes each year.1

Two-factor identification (2FA) provides an extra layer of protection to help safeguard your personal data and your dollars when you are accessing websites and apps.

What exactly is two-factor identification?
Also referred to as “two-step authentication,” “two-step verification” or “multi-factor authentication,” 2FA is an electronic security protocol that prevents you from accessing a website or an app until you validate your identity with two or more pieces of proof. This helps ensure that unauthorized users can’t pretend to be you.

Multi-factor identification “secures your logins from attackers exploiting weak, stolen, or leaked credentials,” says Laura Bennett, Senior Vice President, e-Consumer North America for BlinkSM by Chubb¼.

How do you enable 2FA protection?
Many widely-used internet service providers (e.g. Google, Apple, Amazon) and social media platforms (e.g. TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook/Instagram), as well as financial sites, productivity, and personal apps (e.g. Paypal, Slack, Fitbit) have 2FA capability.

  • A helpful website that lists sites currently offering multi-factor identification can be found here: 2FA Directory.
  • Enabling 2FA is typically done through your user account and/or security tab. Instructions vary, so check with the individual sites or apps for specifics.
  • There are a number of authentication apps that consolidate and streamline your 2FA efforts. In other words, the app automatically authenticates you and eliminates the code sending step. The advantages of using these are that they typically work even when you don’t have access to cell service, and they are considered more secure than text messages. Some of the most popular apps are Authy, Google Authenticator, Duo, and Microsoft Authenticator.

We do not endorse any particular vendor or brand of 2FA, but consumers should take time to research options along with the benefits of utilizing 2FA for their circumstances.

Is two-factor identification foolproof?
Currently, 2FA apps are the most secure user authentication methods. However, it is important to always practice good cyber hygiene habits:

  • “Leverage alerts on all accounts (especially financial) to warn you of suspicious activity,” Bennett advises.
  • Use a strong and unique username and password and never save passwords in your web browser.
  • Keep your computer’s operating system up to date. This is to ensure you have the latest security features in place.
  • Be wary of emails, texts, or attachments from unfamiliar or suspicious-looking senders especially those that ask for personal data.
  • Avoid using open wi-fi networks, which are easily hacked.

We do not endorse any particular vendor or brand of 2FA, but consumers should take time to research options along with the benefits of utilizing 2FA for their circumstances.

Source: Chubb, the cyber insurance provider for MJ Sorority

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In this issue of our monthly newsletter, we cover continuing chaos in the property insurance market, mental health awareness resources, the importance of two factor authentification, upcoming health promotions course, and more.

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Note: We have recently had several check fraud claims. We asked our partners at The National Bank of Indianapolis to write the following article to help you protect yourself from check fraud. See also our previous article on the subject.

Financial losses due to fraud are increasing every year. According to the FCC, losses due to fraud were up by more than 30% in 2022 compared to 2021. Nonprofit organizations tend to be particularly at risk due to 990s and other information useful to fraudsters being publicly available.

Particularly alarming is the rise in check fraud. FinCEN released a recent report indicating that check fraud occurrences reported by banks increased to 680,000 in 2022 from 350,000 in 2021.  
It is often recommended that we minimize the use of paper checks as much as possible.  Electronic credit card and ACH payments (with verified and secure payment portals), while not perfect, are much more secure. Credit cards also tend to have the most generous reimbursement terms if fraud does occur.

While this is sound advice, it is sometimes simply unavoidable to use paper checks as a form of payment.  Here is some general information and steps you can take to help protect your organization:

Check Processing and Check Fraud Trends:
Today, the processing of checks by banks is nearly all automated.  Gone are the days of banks examining individual checks and matching to signature cards.  Anyone with your account and routing number can easily create fake checks. On the bright side, bank processing software has become more sophisticated in detecting anomalies in check style and out of sequence check numbers.  

In response, the criminals are now trending back to intercepting real checks and changing the payee information.  This way, an altered check can be paid, and possibly go unnoticed for a much longer period of time.  Unless cancelled checks are examined closely, they can reconcile correctly, and not be noticed until the intended payee calls.  Depending on the payee’s accounts receivable systems, this is sometimes months later.

How to Protect Your Organization:

1. Positive Pay:  Most banks offer this service for a fee, and there is no better defense against check fraud.  It works by matching all checks that are drawn on your account to a file you send to the bank at the time you issue them.  If any information does not match, you are notified and have the opportunity to deny payment.

Some banks have different versions of Positive Pay, so make sure that your service is verifying the payee name as well as the other information on the check.

There is a similar “ACH Debit Filter” product which protects against unauthorized ACH debits which is also highly recommended.

Should you reject this optional risk management too, it will be incumbent upon you to manage your financial transactions in a more timely and more thorough manner.

2. Outsourced Payables Processing: Many organizations hire third parties to manage the processing of payables. The processors generally prefer to send payments via ACH, and only use paper checks when necessary. Usually, they will debit your account once and pull the funds into their bank account, and then make payments to your vendors from there. They should all have Positive Pay, but sometimes fraud still occurs. It is important to review their contracts and disclosures carefully to understand how fraud is handled and who is liable. Some of them have time limits after which they will not reimburse for fraud losses.

3. Reconcile and review account activity frequently: Identifying fraud as soon as possible is critical as the chances of recovering the funds diminish quickly with time. If a fraudulent check is reported within 24 hours, it can usually be returned before funds ever leave your account. Organizations that choose to not incur the expense of Positive Pay must be particularly vigilant.

4. Report fraud to your bank no later than 30 days from the incident. Regulation CC (the Federal regulation governing check processing and liability) requires the bank of first deposit to conduct specific actions if it is notified within 30 days. After that, the opportunity for recourse is greatly reduced.

5. Secure Check Stock: Protecting both unused check stock, and outgoing checks is another critical aspect of protection. Many of the intercepted checks are stolen from the mail. Unsecured mailboxes should be avoided.

What To Do if Fraud Occurs:

1. Notify Your Bank Immediately: The sooner the bank is notified the better the chances of recovering the funds. Your bank should also guide you through the process and advise on next steps.

2. File a Police Report: In addition to getting the police involved, this is a very important step to document the occurrence for potential insurance claims, and disputes down the road with intended payees.

3. Contact the Postal Inspector’s Office – If a check was stolen in the mail, be sure to file a report with this office. They also tend to be more proactive about pursuing fraudsters than the police.

4. Contact MJ Sorority to alert them to the incident and determine any additional action that needs to be taken.

In Summary:

As the threat of check fraud continues to evolve, we all must remain vigilant and proactive in educating ourselves and our employees . Staying informed about emerging trends, leveraging advanced banking technologies, and adopting best practices will help fortify our defenses. It is important to have a good relationship with a knowledgeable and responsive banking partner who can help develop and continuously improve your defenses against losses due to fraud.

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In this issue of our monthly newsletter, we cover the increasing likelihood of convective storms, share updates to the Important Terms for Housing Agreements, the recent increase in risky activities, an FAQ about money transfer apps like Venmo and Zelle, managing the risk of phishing scams, and more.

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This edition of the MJ Sorority newsletter covers the following topics: chapter security webinar, winter driving reminders and infographic, preventing check fraud, 2024 economic outlook, FAQs, and more.

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When winter weather strikes, drivers face out-of-the-ordinary challenges when they get behind the wheel. Snow, slush or icy roads are involved in nearly one in four weather-related vehicle crashes. These conditions can make it harder for drivers to see, slow down and stop – all factors that can increase the chances of an accident.

If you must travel during winter weather, preparing your car in advance, knowing the forecast and driving based on road conditions are three key ways to help you drive more safely. Following are some winter driving safety tips to help you prepare for the elements – before you face them – on the road.

Preparing Your Vehicle
As temperatures start to drop, it’s time to make sure your car is stocked with a winter driving survival kit, including an ice scraper, a snow shovel and sand or road salt. This way, you’ll be prepared if winter weather arrives while you’re away from home. It’s also a good time to check your tires to determine whether it’s time to replace them or whether you need snow tires.

A few habits to adopt regularly during the winter months can also help prepare you for a wintry drive. Keep your windshield wipers in good condition and your windshield fluid reservoir filled so you can clear snow and ice from your windshield. Make it a practice to keep your gas tank full so you can run your engine and stay warm if you get stuck or stranded.

Keeping your gas tank full in extended cold weather can also help minimize the amount of water vapor in your tank, which can freeze when temperatures drop. In addition to keeping the tank full, consider keeping your vehicle in a garage and using fuel additives such as dry gas to help eliminate water vapor that could freeze in your gas lines. You should also either drive or run your car in a well-ventilated area at least every few days to help avoid a dead battery, another cold weather concern.

Watching the Weather
If you plan to travel when inclement weather looms, monitor road and weather conditions by checking local news stations or Internet traffic and weather sites. You can sign up for weather alerts to receive text messages and optional alerts for your area. Do not check your phone while driving and avoid all unnecessary distractions when you’re behind the wheel.

Driving for Winter Conditions
Before you leave the driveway or parking lot, take time to clear snow and ice off your car, including your windows, mirrors, lights, reflectors, hood, roof and trunk. Drive with your headlights on and be sure to keep them clean to improve visibility. Use caution when snow banks limit your view of oncoming traffic.

As you get on the road, remember that speed limits are meant for dry roads, not roads covered in snow and ice. You should reduce your speed and increase your following distance as road conditions and visibility worsen. Avoid using cruise control in snowy or icy conditions – you want to have as much control over your car as possible. Be cautious on bridges and overpasses as they are commonly the first areas to become icy. Avoid passing snow plows and sand trucks because the drivers may have limited visibility and the road in front of them could be worse than the road behind.

Breaking Down or Getting Stuck
If you are unexpectedly caught in a snowstorm and are stranded or get stuck in snow, if your car is safely out of harm’s way, stay in your car and wait for help. You can run the car heater to stay warm for 10 minutes every hour, but first, make sure your exhaust pipe is clear of snow. There is a danger of carbon monoxide poisoning if snow blocks the pipe and enables the deadly gas to build up in your car. Open your window slightly to help prevent any buildup.

Remember, driving in winter weather can be challenging, even for experienced drivers. Slowing down, allowing increased time to come to a stop, wearing your seatbelt, devoting your full attention to the road and being aware of changing conditions can help you drive more safely. If your travel route takes you into remote areas with limited cell phone coverage, consider informing a third party of your travel plans and share with them your route and when you plan to arrive. This way, if you are overdue, first responders will know where to start looking. If you’re unsure whether it is safe to drive, consider waiting until the roads improve.ï»żï»żï»żï»ż


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We have recently had several claims involving fraudulent checks. Sororities aren’t the only victims. In an alert sent out in February, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, also known as FinCEN, reported that, “Despite the declining use of checks in the United States, criminals have been increasingly targeting the U.S. Mail since the COVID-19 pandemic to commit check fraud.” Criminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their methods, making it crucial for organizations to stay vigilant. These fraudulent activities encompass a range of tactics, including counterfeit checks, altered payee information, and even identity theft to gain access to legitimate bank accounts. As a result, it is imperative for chapter and house corporation officers and volunteers to be aware of these risks and adopt strategies to mitigate the threat of check fraud. We recommend the following strategies:

  1. Secure your checks: Store your checkbook, blank checks, and deposit slips in a secure and locked location. Limit access to these items to only trusted individuals. Consider using a secure check stock with built-in security features like watermarks or microprinting.
  2. Try and limit exposure by reducing check use. Transitioning to electronic checks and digital payment methods reduce the risk associated with paper checks.
  3. Make sure you’re following internal safety measures. Chubb Insurance, the insurance company who writes your Crime Insurance Coverage, has some basic risk management rules and guidelines for the entities under your organization’s national insurance policy. These conditions are referred to as “required conditions” and list out specific requirements in the financial management to ensure that there is dual control of the financial transactions at all times. These measures help prevent check fraud, as well as other financial crimes. Read more here.
  4. Consider Positive Pay: Enroll in Positive Pay services offered by your bank. This service helps detect discrepancies by matching the checks presented for payment with a list of authorized checks you’ve issued. Positive pay procedures set permissions in a checking account, so the company gets confirmation before a check or ACH Debit against your company is processed. ACH: ACH stands for Automated Clearing House and is a network that transactions pass through in the United States. The network exists to manage the transfers and organize them. ACH debit is the transaction executed through the Automated Clearing House Network.
  5. Train employees and volunteers: Educate employees and volunteers about the risks of check fraud and teach them how to recognize signs of suspicious activity. Ensure they understand the importance of safeguarding sensitive financial information.
  6. Stay informed: Keep yourself informed about the latest trends in check fraud and adapt your prevention strategies accordingly. Criminals continually evolve their tactics, so staying up-to-date is essential. Count on MJ Sorority to continually monitor the trends and communicate new strategies to you.
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This edition of the MJ Sorority newsletter covers the following topics: property market insurance update, building a reserve fund, addressing check fraud , 2024 economic outlook, FAQs, and more.

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Semi-annual email newsletter sent to chapter presidents, officers, and chapter advisors.

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