We have had a few requests for sample wording to be used when a group or individual is using your organization name, crest and/or letters inappropriately. We have crafted the following language for your use in those situations. As always is the case in legal matters, we do recommend that you engage legal counsel in these types of situations.

In addition to a letter with the below or similar language, we also recommend that you include any back-up information, including pictures or other accounts of the misuse of the trademark, and any other corresponding documentation that reinforces your position.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

MJ Sorority Sample Template

It has come to our attention that your group and its members continue to misrepresent yourselves as members of [insert organization name and the specific nature of the misrepresentation].

This letter serves to inform you that you have made an unauthorized use of our copyrighted name and symbols in your operation. We demand that you immediately cease the use of such identification on your campus of any association with [insert organization name]. We demand that you desist from this or any other infringement of our rights in the future, referenced under the United States Patent and Trademark Office, which proves ownership or our name and the use of our associated symbols, including our Greek letters.

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In the Event of a Claim

Take action quickly.

When the unexpected happens, report your claim right away to put yourself in the surest position—and best enable us to help. It’s not just smart practice; letting us know about a claim is your responsibility as an insured, so don’t get in the way of your recovery by skipping this important step.

Note: In most cases, Heather Cox is your first point of contact when you have a claim. But for an emergency, please call Cindy Stellhorn.

In the event of a claim:
Heather Cox


Complete this form if you prefer to submit your claim online.

In an emergency:
Cindy Stellhorn


Getting in touch with us won’t be the beginning and end of your response. Here’s a list of actions to take for various kinds of claims.

  • Property: First, do whatever is necessary to prevent further damage from occurring. Then call Heather with the date and description of your loss, and estimates for repair or replacement of your damaged items.
  • Injuries to Employees: Within five days of the injury, fill out an Employer’s First Report of Injury Form and e-mail it to Heather.
  • Injuries to Members or to the Public: Make no statements accepting blame, treat any potential or actual claim or lawsuit as a high priority item, and immediately notify your organization headquarters and MJ; contact Heather with names, date of loss, and details of incident.
  • Embezzlement or Forgery: When you have reason to suspect financial foul play, your first step is to remove all financial responsibilities from the person in question. After you’ve done that, give us a call to discuss moving forward with a claim.
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It is increasingly common for other organizations and/or people (third parties) to request some evidence that the fraternity/sorority or chapter has insurance coverage in place. The form that confirms that coverage is, in fact, in place is called a Certificate of Insurance, and it shows your limits and coverages.

We will need the following information from you in order to provide you with a Certificate of Liability Insurance:

  • Fraternity/Sorority and Greek Chapter Name
  • Date of the event
  • Type of event (i.e. Philanthropic, Social, Chapter-Oriented, etc.)
  • Whether or not alcohol is being served (if alcohol is being served, who is serving the alcohol?)
  • Name and address of the venue and/or individual requesting the Certificate of Insurance
  • The contact information and preferred contact method (i.e. e-mail, fax, etc.) for the individual to whom the Certificate should be sent
  • If the venue is requesting Additional Insured status, please forward the contract immediately to us for review.

Please provide all of the above information and any questions you may have by completing the Certificate/Event Request Form.

In addition, it is also very common for you to receive a request from a lendor requesting that you provide evidence that you carry property insurance. Banks often require you to list them as a Mortgagee or Loss Payee on your policy for property for which they provide a loan. Companies from whom you lease equipment, such as a copy machine vendor, also often request proof that you are carrying insurance to cover any damage to their equipment. This document is referred to as the Property Certificate of Insurance.

In order to process your Property Certificate request, please provide us with the following information by completing the Non-Event Specific Certificate of Insurance Form:

  • Name and address of the entity/individual requesting the Property Certificate
  • Any written documentation, such as a contract, that stipulates your obligation to provide the entity/individual with proof of insurance
  • Loan number, if applicable
  • E-mail address of the entity/individual requesting the Property Certificate
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