Resource Library

Our resource library is full of helpful information about sorority risk management. From emergency planning to insurance programs to tax issues, we have you covered.




Liability Case Study: Post-Event Incident

Liability claim example regarding a post-event incident.

Liability Case Study: Unofficial Chapter House

A liability claim example on unofficial chapter houses.

Unofficial Chapter Houses

A position paper on unofficial chapter houses and the liability risk they pose.

Workers’ Compensation Case Study

Scenario The employee fell on the ramp outside the house and injured his leg. The insured disputed the employee’s injury because he was working the next day and was not limping. The injured employee then told the insured he would be off work because the doctor did not know the full extent of his injury […]

Property Case Study: Fire Escape

Scenario According to a report completed by the Chapter Advisor, there were three chapter members conversing about the fire escape outside the window of the second floor.  One member, who admitted she had previously been out on the escape, showed the other two new members that it was possible to go out onto the fire […]

Property Case Study: Sprinklers/Water Damage

Scenario A sprinkler head in a closet on the second floor went off resulting in water damage to the first and second floor, as well as the basement. The exact cause of the sprinkler head going off is not able to be determined. It is believed that the heat in the closet may have been […]

Property Case Study: Kitchen Fire

Scenario A member was using a deep fryer in the kitchen to heat oil. The member walked away to another room, and the fryer caught the cabinet and microwave on fire. The fire damage was contained to the kitchen. However, there was smoke damage throughout the house. Result A total of $47,972.09 was paid out […]

Property Case Study: Attic Fire

Scenario A fire broke out in the attic of the chapter house from what they believe was some insulation that fell between the wall and flooring landing on some wires and ignited. The attic was not sprinklered and sustained all of the damage below. However, as the claims progress in the cleaning up and repairing […]

Property Case Study: Subrogation Example

Subrogation – the legal process by which an insurance company, after paying a loss, seeks to recover the amount of the loss from another party who is legally liable for it. Scenario An extensive fire occurred on the top floor and roof of the chapter facility resulting in a total claim amount of $1,379,877.  Due to […]

Liability Case Study: Loaning the chapter house to a third party

A liability claim example on loaning the chapter to a third party.

Liability Case Study: Homecoming Float Claim

Scenario A member was injured while climbing onto the sorority’s homecoming float. The member was walking along side the float with other members. The float was towards the back of the parade and was starting to fall behind. The walkers were instructed to board the float to speed up the procession. While the member was boarding the float, the driver accelerated. The member was […]

Liability Case Study: Policy Infraction

Scenario A member was injured at a chapter event when she stepped on a piece of glass that was on the dance floor and sustained a laceration to her foot. There was a sign posted at the bar stating that no glass bottles were to be taken onto the dance floor. It was discovered that […]