Resource Library

Our resource library is full of helpful information about sorority risk management. From emergency planning to insurance programs to tax issues, we have you covered.




COVID-19 Vaccine FAQs

FAQs on the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out.

Building Projects: What to Look For

Important reminders for your next building project.

Coverage for an attorney serving as counsel for nonprofit organization

Memo describing how the coverage applies in these situations.

Non-member residents in the chapter house

Risk management advice regarding non-member residents.

Using personal homes for chapter events

Memo discussing the use of individual homes for chapter events.

Personal injury versus bodily injury

The difference between personal and bodily injury in insurance policies.

Position Paper: Liquor Liability

What is liquor liability and what does it matter?

Glossary of Insurance Terms

A brief explanation of various insurance jargon.

Reviewing Contracts 101

A helpful resource on contract basics.

Steps to Receiving your Certificate of Insurance in a Timely Manner

A helpful resource to review before signing a contract.

Position Paper: Event Planners

Some concerns to be aware of when using event planners.

News & Notes: November 2020

The MJ Sorority risk management bulletin.