Resource Library

Our resource library is full of helpful information about sorority risk management. From emergency planning to insurance programs to tax issues, we have you covered.




South Carolina Hurricane Guide

The South Carolina hurricane guide contains helpful and practical tips for all chapters in the path of a hurricane. Check their website for the most updated version.

Hurricane preparedness

Hurricane preparedness: preparation (long-term and as the hurricane approaches), during the hurricane, and after the hurricane.

Earthquake protection, preparation, response and recovery

Contrary to public perception, earthquake preparedness is not just an issue in California. This resource from Travelers, the insurance company for MJ Sorority clients, offers tips to help protect your business before, during and after an earthquake.

Earthquake protection for sprinkler systems

This resource from Travelers, the insurance company for MJ Sorority clients, provides an overview of how sprinkler systems operate and the advantages of providing earthquake protection for them. Includes a list of protection features for sprinkler systems provides the basics.

Natural disaster risk management guide

Get information on preparing for natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, tornados, hurricanes, wildfires, etc. This resource from Travelers, the insurance company for MJ Sorority clients, discusses exposure assessment, protection, planning and preparation, response, and recovery.

Campus Crisis Planning

A resource developed for universities from Travelers, the insurance company for MJ Sorority clients, much of which is applicable to sororities as well.

Crisis planning and prevention

A guide developed by Travelers, the insurance company for MJ Sorority clients, to help you plan for the unexpected and explain why it is critical to do so.

Communicating with the media

A resource from Travelers, the insurance company for MJ Sorority clients, with tips for communicating with the media during a crisis or emergency.

Educational Services Risk Management Guide

A risk management guide that provides an overview of many loss control topics for school administrators and sorority leadership.

Tornado preparation and response

A tornado preparedness resource from Travelers, the insurance company for MJ Sorority clients.

Digging Deeper: Directors & Officers coverage

Digging deeper into how Directors and Officers Liability coverage works.

Digging Deeper: Non-owned and hired automobile liability

Digging deeper into how the non-owned and hired automobile coverage works.