Resource Library

Our resource library is full of helpful information about sorority risk management. From emergency planning to insurance programs to tax issues, we have you covered.




Communicating with the media

A resource from Travelers, the insurance company for MJ Sorority clients, with tips for communicating with the media during a crisis or emergency.

Educational Services Risk Management Guide

A risk management guide that provides an overview of many loss control topics for school administrators and sorority leadership.

Tornado preparation and response

A tornado preparedness resource from Travelers, the insurance company for MJ Sorority clients.

Digging Deeper: Directors & Officers coverage

Digging deeper into how Directors and Officers Liability coverage works.

Digging Deeper: Non-owned and hired automobile liability

Digging deeper into how the non-owned and hired automobile coverage works.

Guns on college campuses

MJ Sorority’s position on open carry legislation.

Medical marijuana

MJ Sorority’s position on state marijuana legislation’s impact at the chapter house.

Atypical House Directors

MJ Sorority’s position on atypical house directors.

Renting the chapter to a third-party

MJ Sorority’s position on renting the chapter property.

Position Paper: Designated Driver/Sober Sis Programs

MJ Sorority’s position on sober sis/designated driver programs.

Position Paper: Fundraising at sporting events

We have seen an increase in the number of requests from the collegiate chapters to participate in the concession area for an athletic event at the sports stadiums.The requests generally come about because the company managing the concessions wants the group to show evidence of insurance; thus a request to us for a Certificate of […]

Position Paper: Unofficial Housing

Our risk management position on so-called “unofficial” houses.