Resource Library

Our resource library is full of helpful information about sorority risk management. From emergency planning to insurance programs to tax issues, we have you covered.




Certificates of Insurance Basics

Certificates of Insurance 101 and FAQs.

Certificates of Insurance: What and Why?

What are Certificates of Insurance and why would someone want one from you.

Digging Deeper: Non-Owned & Hired Automobile Coverage

Non-Owned Automobile Liability is the most commonly misunderstood coverage in the Sorority Book of Business. Non-Owned Automobile Liability is designed to protect the organization for the risk of being named in a lawsuit involving an automobile. It does not protect individuals who are driving on behalf of the Sorority/Fraternity. Non-Owned and Hired automobiles are automatically […]

Things to Know About Your Organization’s Automobile Policy

Check out the Insurance Summary for more detailed information about your organization’s automobile policy, but the below graphic has the top three things to remember: Here is a print-friendly PDF version.

Share the Road

By Travelers Risk Control We have all encountered scenarios in which other drivers make us shake our heads. People often are quick to accuse other drivers of being reckless, but if pressed, they may admit to sometimes driving recklessly themselves. If unsafe driving is everyone’s problem, what is the solution? Our safety professionals have put together […]

7 Common Car Accidents and How to Help Avoid Them

Let’s face it: accidents happen. And when they do, you might be looking at car repairs and injuries as well as possible increases to your insurance premium. Safe driving can go a long way in keeping you and your family safe and your premium in check. Here are seven common car accidents and tips on […]

10 Tips to Reduce Distracted Driving

More than 40,000 Americans died on the roads in 2016, the most significant increase in deaths over a two-year period in more than 50 years.1 Whether someone you love has been known to text and drive, or you have found yourself distracted behind the wheel, these tips can help avoid dangerous activity on the road. Stow […]

Risky Activities

What constitutes a risky activity and how can you make them less risky?

Collegiate Chapter Members and Chapter Advisors Serving on the Local House Corporation Board

MJ Sorority’s position on chapter members and advisors serving on local House Corporations.

Increased Risk of Attic Fires & Ramifications

Using heat sensors to prevent fire claims in the attic.

Sample Cease and Desist Verbiage

Sample language for your use. regarding “cease and desist.”

What To Do In The Event of A Claim

When the unexpected happens, report your claim right away to put yourself in the surest position—and best enable us to help.