Resource Library

Our resource library is full of helpful information about sorority risk management. From emergency planning to insurance programs to tax issues, we have you covered.




Directors & Officers: Membership Termination #2

Scenario After going through the organization’s appeal process in an attempt to have her membership reinstated, a former member filed a lawsuit alleging fraud and breach of contract.  The lawsuit alleged that the organization failed to follow their own internal rules and procedures in terminating the plaintiff’s membership. Throughout the appeal process and the lawsuit, […]

Directors & Officers: Membership Termination

Scenario Two former members accused of hazing alleged that they were not given the required due process in their inappropriate dismissal from the organization.  An actual lawsuit was not filed in the matter. A claim was submitted and the insurance carrier assigned defense counsel who worked with the claimants’ attorney to prove to him that […]

Property Case Study: Fire Escape #2

Scenario At a fraternity chapter house that was hosting a party, Jane Doe, chapter member, went out a second-floor door to a fire escape platform and fell through the hole, which provided a ladder access to the ground. There had been a previous fall from this fire escape at the chapter house in question, and […]

Liability Case Study: Post-event Incident

Two members attended a semi-formal event in which alcohol was served by a third-party vendor. Both members were over 21 and reportedly had been drinking at the event. It is believed that they were walking home from the party and became disoriented and lost. One member tripped and fell as she walked into the street. […]