Resource Library

Our resource library is full of helpful information about sorority risk management. From emergency planning to insurance programs to tax issues, we have you covered.




The Perfect Storm: Navigating the Crisis in Property Insurance

The current state of the property insurance market demands a shift in the way insurance is approached, and this article explores why.

News & Notes: August 2023

This edition of the MJ Sorority newsletter covers the following topics: property market insurance update, back to school risk management resources, 2024 economic outlook, FAQs, and more.

Building and Using Insurance Reserves for Sustainability

More than ever, property owners and managers need to be building their cash reserves for future expenses.

News & Notes: June-July 2023

This edition of the MJ Sorority newsletter covers the following topics: property market insurance update, summer risk management resources, reviewing contract basics, and more.

Workplace Travel Safety Prevention

Employee travel safety checklist.

News & Notes: April 2023

This edition of the monthly MJ Sorority newsletter covers the following topics: building projects, summer closing checklist, chapter house self-inspection form, sprinkler system update, Housing Forum replay with Marlon Gibson, PhD, cybersecurity webinar, what to look for when reviewing a contract FAQ, and more.

News & Notes: March 2023

This edition of the monthly MJ Sorority newsletter covers the following topics: spring weather resources, important update about sprinkler credit, risky activities, Housing Forum session from Dr. Marlon Gibson, mental heath webinar, FAQ about workers’ compensation, and more.

News & Notes: February 2023

This edition of the monthly MJ Sorority newsletter covers the following topics: highlights from the 2023 MJ Housing Forum, risk management advice for hail season, cybersecurity prevention, FAQ about passenger vans, and more.

News & Notes: January 2023

This edition of the monthly MJ Sorority newsletter covers the following topics: winter storm update, winter driving tips, FAQ about volunteer’s insurance recommendations, preventing frozen pipes, preventing slips and falls.

Summer Closing Checklist

Closing checklist reminders to prepare for summer break.


Arbitration is a formal method of dispute resolution. This resource explains why your organization should consider binding arbitration clauses in membership agreements.

Winter Bulletin 2023

Winter weather bulletin from winter 2023.